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Customer Inquiry

MIM Metal Parts Inquiry - Quotation and Price, Cost

Looking for Someone to Make Metal Gears for Us



My company is looking for someone to make metal gears for us and to help us decide what process is better.  Also we would like to gain an understanding of the different processes and why which process is better and the prices involved in those decisions.  Attached there is a sep 1 and sep 2 drawing which are 2 gears that we want or the 1 piece drawing which is the same but done as one piece.  We are open to either option we just need some education and costing on what can be done and what is better.  We are looking at volumes of between 25,000 – 300,000 pieces per year depending on sales.  Please let me know if this is something You are interested in so that we can discuss this further and with our technical advisor.

Metal Gears drawing




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