Produce Precision, High Quality MIM Metal Parts,Powder Metal Parts Standard And Custom, effective solution from design to reality.

Customer Inquiry

MIM Metal Parts Inquiry - Quotation and Price, Cost

We would like to know the possibility of making the metal part with MIM method


Dear Sir, Madam,

    We are a manufacturer of Elevator push buttons and indicators in Turkey. We are looking for MIM Suppliers for our new Project.

    As a part of a design, we would like to know the possibility of making the part with MIM method.  We would like to use  stainless steel as base material then polish it.

Kindly  consider quantity of about 15000 numbers for next six months.

stainless steel as base mim part drawing

    Please check the given design, contact with me if possible. For the same please send your best commercial offer asap.

Best regards,


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